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Privacy at Accessibility Library Celia

Last updated on 10th January 2022

Your privacy is important to us. That is why we at Celia ensure that all personal data that we receive from you are stored and processed securely in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This page contains information about privacy protection at Celia.


Personal data

o What is personal data?
o What categories of personal data does Celia collect and from what sources?
o For what purpose is my personal data collected?
o How is my data processed?
o Who processes my data?
o To whom is my personal data disclosed?
o How is my data kept up to date?
o How and where can I access my data?
o Cookies and web analytics
o Mobile applications

Data protection and storage at Celia

o How does Celia safeguard my personal data?
o How does Celia store personal data?

Your rights

o What are your rights?
o How can I erase my data?
o Who can I contact?


Lock and checkmark.

Personal data

What is personal data?

Personal data means all data that can be used to identify a person, such as customer profile information and contact details.

What categories of personal data does Celia collect and from what sources?

When you first open an account with us, we ask you to provide basic information about yourself, such as your first name and surname, your address and postcode, your home town, your email address and telephone number, your personal identity code, your gender and, if you wish, your print disability. We may also need to ask you certain information about your parent or guardian, such as their name, telephone number, email address and role in your life.

You will need to provide this information to the staff of your local library, school or other Celia service provider. We only collect information for your borrowing history with your consent, and you can stop marketing communications from us at any time.

We may also ask you to specify, for example, what kinds of books you like.

You will need to let us know yourself if you move house or if your profile information changes otherwise.

Our database automatically records the date on which you first log in, the books you borrow and the devices you use to access Celia’s services.

The online content on Celianet and the metadata held there also contain personal data. If you find mistakes in the metadata or wish to have your personal data removed from Celianet, please contact Celia. Celia’s metadata have been provided by BTJ Finland Oy since 2017.

For what purpose is my personal data collected?

Celia uses your personal data to discharge a legal obligation (Act on the Library for the Visually Impaired, 638/1996). We need your personal data for your customer profile. We ask you about your print disability for statistical purposes.

Your personal identity code helps us to identify you.

You can use your borrowing history to track what you have read in the past. We only collect information for your borrowing history with your consent.

If you are happy to receive customer communications from us, we will add your personal information to our mailing list.

We may also use collected data for statistical purposes and to develop the service but in these cases, individual customers are not identifiable.

How is my data processed?

The processing of personal data include the collection, editing, storage, erasure and transfer of data.

In order for Celia to provide you the service, we store your customer information in our system and make corrections to the data when your contact information changes, for example.

Celia’s staff are trained to comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation, and the IT solutions used by Celia are as secure as possible.

Celia’s partners are contractually obligated to process your personal data in accordance with data protection legislation and with confidentiality.

Who processes my data?

Only individuals who need your personal data to perform their work can access your information. These individuals can be employees of Celia or members of the organisation that opened your account for you (your local library, school or other Celia service provider). We may also need to share some of your personal data with our partners, such as the Finnish Federation of the Visually Impaired, which supplies our publications in braille, Liana Technologies, which manages our electronic mailing list, and Pratsam Oy Ab, which sometimes needs access to CELA IDs and information about users’ devices to ensure compatibility with its audiobook reader software.

We also use partners for technical support and system development. These partners can only access your information in so far as is necessary to identify and fix technical problems with Celia’s systems.

In addition to the privacy clauses in our partnership contracts, your personal data are protected by client confidentiality rules and the audit trails generated by our systems.

To whom is my personal data disclosed?

The disclosure of personal data refers to situations in which your personal data is given to another controller to use independently.

Celia will not disclose your personal data to outsiders.

Celia does not process your personal data outside the EU/EEA.

How is my data kept up to date?

You will need to let us know yourself if your contact information changes so that we can update our records. If you need us to update your contact information, please contact your local library or Celia’s customer service.

How and where can I access my data?

You can view your contact information in your Celianet profile. Alternatively, you can contact Celia’s customer service.

You can also change, for example, your borrowing history settings in your Celianet profile.

Cookies and web analytics

Cookies are small blocks of data created by a web server while a user is browsing a website and placed on the user’s computer or other device by the user’s web browser. Celia uses cookies both on its website and on Celianet.

Cookies make our web services work as intended and allow us to improve them. Cookies are essential for using some of the key features of our web services. These include, for example, the login interface and our system’s ability to remember user-specific settings. We also use session cookies in our chat widget. Cookies and information about users’ devices help us to tailor our services to individual customers.

Cookies also allow us to monitor and log traffic on different pages of our website. This means using cookies to compile anonymous reports on the number of users visiting our site. Cookies tell us, for example, the sites from which users come to Celia’s site and which pages of our site they view.

Mobile applications

You can download our mobile app from the App Store or Google Play. The app is subject to these service providers’ terms and conditions.

The mobile app only collects information about the user’s CELA ID and device. No other personal data from which the user could be identified are stored in the app. The provider of the app has signed a contract with Celia, which includes provisions on the secure processing of personal data.

Data protection and storage at Celia

How does Celia safeguard my personal data?

We take our customers’ privacy very seriously and observe the principles of good data management. We protect your data by a variety of means, such as by only sending confidential information via a secure email server. Celia’s staff and partners have also signed non-disclosure agreements. Our partnership contracts include provisions on the minimum standards of data protection.

How does Celia store personal data?

Celia only keeps your data for as long as you have an account with us. We begin to erase your data as soon as you close your account. We deem your account to have been closed if you tell us that you no longer wish to subscribe to our services or if you have not accessed your account for two years. Once your account has been closed, your profile is removed from our customer database in preparation for the erasure of your personal data. If you have not borrowed books from Celia or if you have only ever accessed your borrowed items on Celianet or using the Pratsam Reader mobile app, your profile will be permanently deleted within two years of its removal from our database. If you exercise your right to erasure under the GDPR, we will erase your data immediately. If you have borrowed books to be downloaded on a CD or your personal computer, we will keep a record of your profile for five years after its removal from our database. We do this in case of system errors and to investigate potential misuse. The data are erased automatically once the predetermined retention period is up.

System logs are only kept for as long as we need them to investigate system errors.

Your rights

What are your rights?

You can manage your consents on Celianet or by contacting Celia’s customer service. You also have the right to check what information Celia has about you and to ask us to correct any mistakes.

If you wish to close your account, you can ask Celia’s customer service to delete your customer profile. The GDPR also gives you the right to restrict access to your data, to object to the use of your data and to have your data moved.

You can also ask Celia for a copy of the data we hold about you.

How can I erase my data?

If you no longer wish to subscribe to our services, you can ask Celia’s customer service to delete your customer profile.

We will remove your profile from our systems, but we have a legal obligation to keep some of your data until our liability under the Copyright Act ends.

Who can I contact?

You can contact Celia’s customer service at [email protected]. If you need us to update your contact information, you can also report the changes to your local library.

If you have questions about privacy, you can contact Celia’s Data Protection Officer Jyrki Tuohela at [email protected].